Clusiussymposium op 29 mei 2015

‘Anders Tuinieren’.

Op 29 mei 2015 organiseert de Clusiusstichting samen met het Instituut voor Culturele Antropologie en Ontwikkelingssociologie het symposium ‘Anders Tuinieren’.

De voertaal is Engels. Locatie: Museum van Volkenkunde, Leiden

De westerse traditie van tuinieren is ontstaan in een wereld die ook andere vormen van tuinieren kent. Als voorbeelden kunnen de welbekende tradities van China en Japan gelden. Maar er bestaan ook minder bekende tradities van tuinieren in Azië, Afrika en Amerika. Deze verdienen eveneens aandacht.

Tuinieren is hier omschreven als het systematisch kweken van planten op een beperkt gebied. Dit tuinieren kan dienen voor voedselvoorziening, voor plezier of voor ritueel, of een mengsel daarvan. De gebieden die worden bestreken zijn Zuid-Oost Azië, Midden Amerika en Afrika beneden de Sahara.

In de traditie van het symposium The Authentic Garden van 1990, georganiseerd door de Clusiusstichting, is de expertise zowel multidisciplinair als internationaal. De voertaal is Engels. Een publicatie is voorzien.


The sessions will take place in the Museum of Ethnology in Leiden, between 9.30 and ca. 17.00, the venue will open at 9.00.

Registration is free.

Please register by sending an email to the secretary of the Clusius Foundation,

If you want to join us for lunch, let us know May 25th at the latest. You can pay (€10) on May 29th.


Clusius Lectures 2015: Other Ways of Gardening

The Clusius Foundation proudly announces the international symposium on Other ways of Gardening. It will be organized in collaboration with the Institute for Cultural Anthropology of Leiden University.

This symposium will take place in Leiden on the Friday the 29th of May, 2015. This symposium follows in the steps of the International Symposium on The Authentic Garden of 1990.

In the tradition of the Clusius Lectures, the themes of the symposium may draw different audiences, mainly consisting of professionals and non-professionals interested in the history of botany and gardening. The Clusius Foundation aims to bring together expertise from the academic fields of the natural sciences and the humanities from abroad and the Netherlands.

Other ways of Gardening will focus on less well-known traditions of gardening that exist in Africa, America and Asia. Gardening is defined as the systematic cultivation of plants in limited areas for food, pleasure, or ritual purposes, or a combination of these. Specific regions touched upon will be South-East Asia, Middle America and Sub-Saharan Africa. The conference will explore early forms of gardening, i.e. the initial transition from hunting/gathering to horticulture, agriculture or combinations of these modes of production.

During the preparation of the symposium it has become clear that an important issue will be the relationship between the western concepts of gardens and gardening and non-western practices. In the western histories of gardens and gardening these concepts are taken as a given fact, while the symposium will be more fruitful if these presuppositions are questioned. Other ways of gardening become more relevant if they also lead to a rethinking of Our ways of gardening.

Hopefully the symposium will be able to sketch a wider perspective of the garden as an interface of the relationships of man with nature. This could help to bring about a new and apposite definition of a social and cultural history of the garden, the landscape and the environment in interaction.


Provisional program Clusius Symposium Friday 29 May, 2015

1.1 Introduction to the symposium by Adriaan van der Staay, chair of the Clusius Foundation

1.2 A short history of the Hortus botanicus Leiden, by Gerda van Uffelen, Hortus botanicus Leiden

Morning session


2.1 Gardening in the African diaspora by Grey Gundaker, College of William & Mary, Williamsburg

2.2 About gardening among hunter-gatherers in Central Africa, by Serge Bahuchet, CNRS, Paris

2.3 Gardening connections between Surinam and Africa, by Tinde van Andel, Leiden University
Afternoon sessions


3.1 Integrated gardening in Mexico, by Maarten Jansen, Leiden University (invited)

3.2 Maya Botany, by Charles Zidar, FAMSI, Los Angeles


4.1 Introduction to Ethnobotany of South East Asia, by Roy Ellen, University of Kent

4.2 Gardening and gathering in The Philippines, by Tessa Minter, Leiden University

4.3 Gardening and gathering in Sumatra, by Gerard Persoon, Leiden University


5. Final remarks on the Symposium by Roy Ellen, University of Kent